About the College

About the College of Nursing

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing of the University opened in the Academic Year 2002-2003. This course offering was born in response to the call of expanding horizons in the field of nursing. The UIC-BSN Program aims at meeting the health needs of the local and global communities.

After a year of preliminary implementation and rigid review and revision by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Board of Nursing (BON), the BSN curriculum under CMO 5, s. 2008 was phased-out and changed to CMO 14, s. 2009, then now, the CMO 15, s. 2017.

At the start of implementing CMO 15, s. 2017, an outcomes-based education (OBE) is implemented. As the UIC-College of Nursing is continuously growing, may the students be molded with the university's core values: Faith, Excellence and Service. Also, may the student nurses have the Compassion for Caring!